What is Technical Assistance?

by | Sep 17, 2020

“Technical assistance (TA) is the process of providing targeted support to an organization with a development need or problem. It is commonly referred to as consulting. TA may be delivered in many different ways, such as one-on-one consultation, small group facilitation, or through a web-based clearinghouse. TA is one of the most effective methods for building the capacity of an organization. By including TA in a capacity building project, you make the capacity building much more likely to create change”. – Delivering Training & Technical Assistance, (p.12)

Simply put, technical assistance helps an organization or group strengthen their internal and external capacity to do their work more effectively. Technical assistance can take the form of trainings, one-on-one support, coaching, resource-sharing, and connection to other support networks.

Typically, technical assistance provider(s) will help the organization assess their needs and together they will determine goals and a plan for moving forward to address those needs. Technical assistance might come in the form of surveys, phone calls, virtual meetings, workshops & trainings, site-visits (including walks and kitchen-table chats!) and email communication. 

Technical assistance tends to be very unique and oriented to the needs of the particular organization. Some groups may need more support than others based on available resources and existing capacity. This impacts how TA is delivered and progress made over time.

What types of Technical Assistance does QMF provide?

The Queer Mobilization Fund provides small grants to LGBTQ+ organizations in NC and the U.S. South. These grants prioritize BIPOC-led, small, grassroots and emerging groups and organizations. Groups enjoy the benefits of building their organizational capacity through participating in a cohort that includes peer-learning gatherings and networking events with fellow grantees.

Each grantee also receives one-on-one technical assistance from QMF staff to strengthen their organizations. This includes an organizational assessment and identifying top priorities that QMF staff (or trusted referrals) can provide support for. TA may include and is not limited to: 

Planning Leadership Development Legal & Human Resources
  • Mission/Vision
  • Storytelling
  • Strategic Planning
  • Project/Program Planning
  • Evaluation
  • ED coaching (roles & responsibilities)
  • Organizational structures
  • Curriculum Dev
  • Managing Staff
  • Leadership transition
  • Non-profit Legal Compliance
  • Crisis response
  • Policies & Procedures
  • Volunteer Management
  • Board/Advisory Cmte. Development
Political Trainings Finances Culture & Infrastructure
  • Racial Equity
  • Gender 101
  • Healing Justice
  • Self-Care for Activists
  • Popular education
  • Language Justice
  • Organizing 101
  • Grantwriting
  • Budgeting
  • Managing grants
  • Fundraising
  • Business Sponsorships
  • Organizational Culture
  • Community feedback tools
  • Community partnerships
  • Meeting facilitation
  • Tech/website building
  • Organizational Structures

For questions on Technical Assistance or QMF email: qmf@southernvision.org

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