Support QTBIPOC Presence + Power in NC and the US South

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Pride 2023

$20,000 Fundraiser!

Happy Pride!

In a political moment of deep hatred and bigotry toward queer and trans individuals, we are excited. Our movement is strong, it is growing, and it is pushing for our right to exist without fear. During Pride Month, we are proud of our community of QTBIPOC movers, shakers, artists, revolutionaries, friends, comrades, and organizers. Our role as the Queer Mobilization Fund is to support this work, and to do that effectively, we’re asking for your help.

QMF received one hundred sixty five applications this year, nearly four times our previous record number. While we are thrilled to have funded 50 of these groups, our program needs to grow to support these groups to the fullest extent. 

For Pride Month, QMF is launching a $20,000 fundraising campaign to support ongoing efforts in financial and technical support for QTBIPOC grassroots organizing across the US Southeast. We’re running that campaign this week, June 12-16! 

If you are able, please support us by donating via the form below or sharing this push for funding with your network.   

We are so grateful for your ongoing support, and are excited to share our 2023 cohort with you soon!

We Are Family – 2021 Grantee

The Queer Mobilization Fund supports incredible Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, People of Color (QTBIPOC) movement leaders to strengthen their projects and organizations for collective liberation and the transformation of power! We need your support to raise more funds to make sure we have enough resources to support incredible grassroots leaders, organizers, artists, and healing justice practitioners!

Why do we need your support? 

We need your support because QTBIPOC organizers and organizations are the foundations of our movements for collective liberation! Individual supporters and donors are CRITICAL to our work. The South is a historically underfunded region, and LGBTQ+ organizations receive even less money and support than their white, cis-gender and straight counterparts. For every $100 dollars awarded by U.S. foundations, only 28 cents specifically supports LGBTQ issues. BIPOC and Transgender led groups receive even less funding. A large portion of philanthropy is rooted in white supremacy, and only funds established organizations that have a lengthy track record, leaving grassroots groups led by directly-impacted communities out of the funding pool. QMF intentionally supports groups that are often overlooked for funding in order to build power and support collective liberation from the grassroots up.

Techmoja Dance and Theatre Company – 2021 Grantee

 More than 3 in 10 LGBTQ Adults live in the South, making the South home to more LGBTQ adults than any other region of the country. Despite this fact, the South has disproportionately been underfunded in many areas, but especially surrounding LGBTQ issues.

  • Black trans and gender-nonconforming people collectively received <1% of all funding for LGBTQ issues in 2018.
  • While grant dollars for Black LGBTQ communities reached a record high in 2018, funding has never exceeded more than $7.5 million, or 5 percent of all LGBTQ funding in the United States. This represents less than .01 percent of all foundation funding that year.

                                                                                         Source: Funders for LGBTQ Issues 2018 reports


Thank you for supporting QMF and our incredible grantees!

Make a donation here!

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